Updated 08.30 Sunday 27th December
As we progress through the Christmas and New Year season, we are grateful to all our willing and creative church members and volunteers who have prepared resources for us and our community to enjoy at home.
Christmas Services
Those services which have already taken place have been removed from the list below, for the sake of clarity.
27th 9.30am Preston Patrick
—–—11.00am St. Mary’s Kirkby Lonsdale
31st 10.30am Holy Communion in St. Mary’s Church
Online services over Christmas
In view of the news about Covid some of us may prefer not to to attend face-to-face services at all over Christmas. Whilst this is sad, there will continue to be online services available – on Christmas Day and on December 27th. Have a look at our kl.church YouTube channel for details.
A living advent calendar
Twenty-four houses and businesses throughout Kirkby have come together, each to decorate a window in the theme of a traditional carol. These are being unveiled day by day until Christmas Eve to create a living advent calendar. The calendar has its own Facebook page where you can show your appreciation for all the work that has gone into creating this.

Bags of Cheer!
A big thank you to those who have filled a bag of cheer and returned them. A special Thank you to those who have helped to deliver them!
Churchyard Nativity Trail
Do inspect the Nativity scene in the Churchyard!
Sustainable Christmas Trees in Churchyard
Well done to the WI for their lovely tree.
Hopefully, amongst all of the above, there is something for everyone, and a way of celebrating Advent and Christmas together and sharing the hope of Christmas with our community.
The Ministry Team